Med mal: The botched Brazilian butt lift– why it’s so hard to collect
Because of lax regulation–surgical centers have to register, but not be licensed–South Florida has grown into destination for medical tourists looking for discount pricing on the popular but complicated procedure, the Brazilian butt lift.
When correctly performed by a board certified surgeon, the procedure can be safe, effective and expensive at a cost of $5,000.00 to $15,0000.00. So many turn instead to lower prices offered at unlicensed surgery centers, with lower standards of hygiene and infection control, and ill-equipped in the event of an emergency complication.
Typically doctors at such centers are not board certified and have no insurance. They’re employed as “independent contractors,” so the surgery center can deny liability for the doctor’s malpractice. Patients sign release and waiver forms, further compromising their rights.
Even when properly performed, the procedure is rife with the potential for risks and complications. Fat extracted by liposuction from one part of the body is injected into the buttocks, and if the fat enters an artery and gets carried to the lungs or heart, death by embolism can result.
After the procedure, patients often stay in substandard recovery houses where they must lie on their stomachs for two to four weeks after the procedure–sometimes exposed to conditions that can breed infection. Under these circumstances, collecting money damages for the victim of a botched butt lift–by identifying a defendant with the financial capability of paying for the damages–can pose difficult challenges for even the most aggressive of lawyers.