So if I’m injured while riding in a Lyft or Uber, am I covered or what?

Ride share drivers’ personal auto insurance generally does not provide coverage to the ride share driver, because their personal insurance is not designed to cover them when engaged in commercial activity.
But in general, yes, ride share services such as Lyft and Uber both have insurance coverages in place that provide ample protection to passengers and drivers.
– If you’re in an accident caused by the ride share driver, there is usually $1-million in coverage placed by the ride share company.
– If the accident is caused by a another vehicle, then your recourse is against the other vehicle. But…
– If the accident is caused by another car that has no insurance, the ride share service typically has uninsured motorists coverage for the benefit of both the ride share passenger, and the ride share driver.
– If the accident was caused by carelessness on the part of both the ride share driver and the other driver, then your claim would be against both the Uber/Lyft driver and the other driver.
Regardless of who was at fault, if you own a car and it’s insured, your PIP or no fault insurance will “follow” you while in the ride share vehicle, and pay up to $10,000.00 in benefits to cover 80% of your medical bills in excess of your deductible without regard to who as at fault.
Lyft and Uber also provide insurance to protect the ride share driver. However, the amount of coverage depend on the status of the ride share vehicle in transit. Is the car carrying a passenger? Is the car on its way to pick up a passenger? Is the car just driving around waiting for a ride call? The amount of insurance coverage available will vary depending on the status of the vehicle under these different scenarios.
Locating and identifying available insurance coverages is one of the most important parts of the personal injury lawyer’s job. Each situation is factually specific, and there is no one size fits all. As ever, the advice of a qualified attorney should be sought out if you or a loved one are injured in a crash involving a ride share vehicle.